Thursday, October 31, 2019
Fair trade company that specialises in coffee and tea Assignment
Fair trade company that specialises in coffee and tea - Assignment Example The present research has identified that the fourth largest coffee producing country in the entire globe is Indonesia. The start of coffee production in the country dates back to the colonial times. The economic activity has greatly contributed to the growth and development of the country. The country’s location makes it suitable for the production of coffee. The country flourishes in an ideal geography of coffee plantations. The geographical coordinate system contributes to the ideal climate for the growth and production. The latitude and longitude contribute to the prevalent environmental degradation and the destruction of forests that offer a conducive place for the growth of endemic tree species in the entire world. In 2007, the country produced a total of 420,000 metric tons in the volume of coffee. The country exported 271,000 metric tons of the total amounts and allowed 148,000 metric tons for local consumption. On the exports, 25 percent encompasses Arabica coffee, wit h the remaining being Robusta coffee. The country’s Arabica Coffee is strong-bodied with a low acidic nature. These qualities make them suitable for blending purposes with the higher acidic brands from the Central part of America. The governor from Dutch in Malabar, India sent a ship of Coffee Arabica seedlings to the governor in Batavia in 1699. Currently, Jakarta is the new name for Batavia. The planting activity was successful. Hence, the exportation venture commenced in 1711.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Development of the Social Self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Development of the Social Self - Essay Example The ability to develop and maintain a consistent and functional sense of the self in the increasingly superficial and anonymous interpersonal context of modern mass societies is widely believed to be one of the cornerstones of personal and social success (Forgas and Williams, 2003). According to Freud theory, the self is developed as the result of the conflict between id, ego and superego (Bakhurst and Sypnowich, 1995). Chapter 2 discusses the development of the self as the result of comparing the self-concept of who the person thinks he is and the possible selves as images of what the person dreams of or dreads becoming in the future. Within the social identity approach, the self is taken to comprise both personal and social identity. The developmental study of the social self is important because social identities of adults mobilize specific forms of group-related perception and actions. The understanding of the relation between social self-conceptions and social action becomes vit ally important because social identity creates and defines the individual’s place in the society. ... uch actions as supporting person’s dreams, strengthening positive self-image and inspiring for further improvements have profound and long-lasting impact. By helping people connect to their sense of optimism and individual vision of ideal self, people can highly motivate and energize others for better learning, development and change (Bennett and Sani, 2004). The main idea of the self discussed in Chapter 2 is that usually people tend to overestimate of what others think about them, thus, their behavior is limited and controlled by fear, lack of confidence and social stereotypes. When people speak in public, for instance, they usually feel nervous and think it is obvious for others. Though, if to explain about spotlight effect and the illusion of transparency (informed condition), people become more confident while speaking in public and felt better about their speech and appearance than those in the control and reassurance conditions. The development of the self starts at the early age when children learn to understand themselves through the perception of surrounding world and in relation to certain social groups. In the process of developing a theory of mind, children and adolescents gradually learn that people have thoughts, feelings, motives and behavior different from their own. The interpersonal skills are developed and nurtured through the relation to the family, friends, school mates, university mates, colleagues and other people (Bennett and Sani, 2004). Chapter 2 further discusses the sense of individualism and collectivism compared between industrialized Western cultures that have independent self and those in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America that have interdependent self. Such different perception of the self in these cultures creates different
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Thousands Of Idioms In English
The Thousands Of Idioms In English Introduction Language is a major feature of a nation. English language has developed hundreds of thousands of idioms. It has been estimated that about 7,000 idioms are used by a native speakers per week (Cooper, 1999, p. 249). At the same time, grasping idioms can be a great asset to learners in acquiring a new language (Celce-Murcia Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.36). Idioms are extraordinarily difficult for their flexible structures and figurative meanings (Liu, 2003, p.675). For example, the meaning of high horse has nothing to do with high and horse but means an arrogant people. According to the surface meaning, second language learners can hardly tell its meanings. Also, Language is the most important communication tool. People use language to preserve and transmit human civilization, that is, language conveys the culture. Sapir (1921) observed that culture can be defined as what a human community does and thinks. The function of language is to explain what a thought is. Therefore, language does not exist alone. It is rooted in national culture and reflects national institutions. If culture is regarded as the cradle of language, animal idioms can be seen as the crystallization of culture. Animal idioms are plentiful in English. They prominently reflect English culture. For a long period, studies on animal idioms mainly focus on translation, cross-cultural comparison, literature, and so on. However, there are few studies on English animal idioms acquisition linking to British culture. Animal idioms, like a mirror, can clearly reflect the characteristics of a national culture. Generally speaking, anthropologists are divided into three levels of culture: high culture, popular culture, deep culture. High culture includes philosophy, literature, art and religion. Popular culture refers to customs, etiquette and the interpersonal aspects of life. Deep culture contains the meaning of beauty and ugliness, time orientation, problem-solving methods (Yin Li Han Xiaoling, 2007). High culture and popular culture belong to low context culture; deep culture belongs to high context culture. In this thesis, the key point is to investigate whether the Chinese English learners can unde rstand the low context culture by examining the command of animal idioms. High context culture is out of the scope of this project. Literature Review Culture and Language There are a large number of definitions in culture, but a few of them can be reviewed. The most classical definition of culture is made by Edward B. Tylor (1871), the father of cultural anthropology. The definition describes the culture as a center of society, which is regarded as the first important anthropological theory about culture. Tylor provided that culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society. He believed that culture is shared by all mankind, all community. Then, following the definitions of sociologists, they believe that culture refers to human attitudes, institutions, and beliefs etc. Reflecting the life of a human community is the key point in culture. Williams (1965) mentions that the definition of culture contains three general categories. First, culture is a state or process of human performance and has certain universal values. Second, culture is the body of intellectual and imaginative work. It records human thought and experience. Finally, third, culture refers to a society, that is, culture expresses certain meanings and values in peoples life. It is not only in art and learning but also in custom and ordinary behavior. Also, Deng and Liu (2007) point out that culture illustrates the ways of a people, that is to say, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society. Language is the carrier of culture which contains peoples daily life. Writing in 1950, Luo Changpei who was a famous linguist and educator in China recognizes that language is a crystallization of national culture, which spreads the past, pushes the future. Each language is a living fossil to a nation. Language as the main material has the most direct and close contact to build a culture. Furthermore, language is used for communication. It is impossible to use a language without awareness of its culture. That is to say, language can be a signal to identify different cultures. When language used by particular speakers, it conveys certain context which is how words be chosen, why to choose it, what meaning can be expressed. Language cannot exist without carrying culture meaning. Given the arguments above, the relationship between language and culture can be described as follows: language come from culture and culture embodies the entire way of life of a society. Using language can promotes cultural spread and culture can promote language development. Language and culture work closely and influence each other. Expressing facts, ideas, or events and reflecting the peoples attitudes, beliefs etc. are the most important function of a language. Language exchange actually is cultural communication. Learning a language well must be aware of its culture. Studies on Idioms Smith L.P. (1925, p.167) points out that there is the element of enrichment which is of greater importance, which comes from popular, free and unschooled English. This element consists of what people call idioms. Smith also defines its use in this connection. Idiom is sometimes used to describe the form of speech peculiar to a people or nation; idiom for the meaning is expressed by the French word idiotisme, that is to say, those forms of expression, of grammatical construction, or of phrasing, which are peculiar to a language, and approved by its usage, despite the meanings they convey are often different from their grammatical or logical signification. Makkais Idiom Structure in English, an extended version of his doctorial thesis (1965), identifies two major types of idioms: one is encoding; another is decoding. Makkai finds a rationale to explain this division. The headword listed in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) (1970) is sense 3a, which also appears in an identical form in the OED (1989): A form of expression grammatical construction, phrase etc., peculiar to a language; a peculiarity of phraseology approved by the usage of a language, and often having significance other than its grammatical or logical one ( cited from Fernando C., 1996, p.3-4). According to Moon Rosamund (1998:4), narrower uses restrict idiom to a particular kind of unit: one is fixed and semantically opaque or metaphorical, for examples, as white as a sheet or cold shoulder. In broader uses, idiom is a general term for many kinds of multiword item, no matter semantically opaque or not. For animal idioms, the form is usually loose, and it mainly focuses on figurative meanings rather than literal meaning, for examples, put the cart before the horse, or straight from the horses mouth. English idioms with the strong feature of rhetoric are formed from long-tem use and their structures are unique and have fixed expression. It contains proverbs, sayings, slangs, and allusions, etc. There are two important characteristics of idioms: one is semantic unity, that is, the overall meaning cannot be tracked from each word, for example, pull all ones eggs in one basket. It means the desperate situation not the surface meaning. Another is the structure of fixity, that is, its structure cannot be altered arbitrarily, for example, kick the bucket. It cannot say kick the pail or be used in the passive voice- the bucket is kicked (Wang Benhua, 2010). Animal idioms and British culture There is a close relationship between animals and peoples lives. On the one hand, animal is the main source of food and clothing for human; the other hand, kinds of animals represent certain images which people pay homage to them. These animals reflect human thought and contain certain national culture. There are three bases to make animal vocabularies to cause cultural meanings. First, derive from animals appearances, physical structure, mentality, behavior. Second, come from cultural content such as fables, legends, religions, physical geography, and customs. Third, be created by association, that is to say, animals are associated with another things which relate to potential cultural psychology (Liao Guangrong, 2000). In the perspective of linguistics, animal images used in idioms have figurative meaning. Idioms linked to animals usually contain metaphors. Animals denote and connote supposed qualities. These qualities are applied to people and human situations. There is a phenomen on that no idiom database contains animal or insect, although many contain hyponyms such as cat, dog, or horse. The reason may be that general words such as animal are too neutral to cause these kinds of institutionalized metaphors, despite the fact that both animal and insect are used in other contexts with metaphorical meanings (Moon, R., 1998, p.196). In the meantime, the formation of animal idioms relies on culture. According to the arguments mentioned above, culture refers to all aspects of a people such as geographical situation, the style of production, and literature etc. In the history, Great Britain was the overlord in the sea. Despite the Europe, other continents were the British colonies. Therefore, British nation could contact with many animal species. Britain is surrounded by islands. Due to the abundant resources from physical geography, animal idioms flourished in the early years of that century. Thereby, English idioms have close contact with sea and fishing, for example, hook ones fish. Comparing with China, Great Britain is filled with small mountains and strait lands. In ancient Britain, horses are main tillable force. The function of horses is above all. Thus, there is particularly large number of horse-related idioms, such as horse of another color, an iron horse, or horse sense etc. In ancient China, the cattle played a significant role. That is why so many idioms related to cattle in China, for examples, niu qi chong tian  ¼Ã…’feng ma niu bu xiang ji etc. These cattle and horses have been portrayed by cultural connotation. In addition, some animal images come from Greek and Roman mythology or Bible, like serpent which means Satan in Bible (Zhao Shuyun, 2010). Animal idioms related studies In the second language learning, correctly using idioms has always been regarded as a tough problem. A learner must recognize the fix structures and given meaning, not only the literal meaning but also the figurative meaning. Figurative meaning refers to metaphors which have close relationship with culture. Whats more, animal idioms are more flexible and oral orientation. It is not easy for second language learners to breach the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic barriers in idiom learning. Blasko and Connine (2002) made an experiment in comparing Malay and English to investigate second language figurative proficiency. They found two results as follows: First, figurative expressions with an equivalent conceptual basis and linguistic form are the easiest; Second, figurative expressions with an equivalent linguistic form but a different conceptual basis are the most difficult. Lin Weiyan (2003) designed a project to investigate English idiom learning in different cultural background. H e observes that English idioms with same figurative meaning as Chinese are easy to understand comparing with different figurative meaning as Chinese. That is to say, if the English idioms are similar to Chinese ones in expression and meaning, mother tongue will make effectively transfer; if not, mother tongue will make negative transfer. Wu Xudong and Chen Bin (2006) quickly came to the conclusion that the process of conceptual and cultural transfer is the process of comprehending English animal idioms, and Chinese English learners has low capability to comprehend English animal idioms with different metaphors. From the presented studies above, it can be concluded that commanding idioms, especially animal idioms is one of the big obstacles in second language learning. Chinese English learners have the advantage and disadvantage of understanding animal idioms, because there are some similar figurative meanings. But due to the learning environment, Chinese English learners have low capabilities to command animal idioms. Research Question Can the command of English animal idioms promote Chinese English Learners to understand British culture? Hypothesis Due to the relationship with language, animal idioms and culture, command of English animal idioms can promote Chinese English Learners to understand British culture.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Dialectic journal, Huck Finn Ch. 9-16 :: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
Quote 1: â€Å"’En all you wuz thinkin’ ‘bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole Jim wid a lie. Dat truck dah is trash; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren’s en makes ‘em ashamed.’ Then he got up slow and walked to the wigwam, and went in there without saying anything but that. But that was enough. It made me feel so mean I could almost kissed his foot to get him to take it back. It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a ; but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterward, neither. I didn’t do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d ‘a’ knowed it would make him feel that way †(83-84). Analysis: Huck plays this trick on Jim, but doesn’t realize it would hurt him so much. Jim is very hurt, and goes inside the wigwam. Huck has to bring up courage to apologize to Jim because he is black. This is sort of ironic because Jim was just talking about kissing Huck’s feet because he was glad he was back, but then Huck feels so bad for hurting Jim, that he could kiss Jim’s feet, even if he was black. Huck seems to have a moment which will help him along on the path of equality between whites and blacks as well. Quote 2: â€Å"’Jim, this is nice,’ I says. ‘I wouldn’t want to be nowhere else but here. Pass me along another hunk of fish and some hot corn-bread.’ ‘Well, you wouldn’t ‘a’ ben here ‘f it hadn’t ‘a’ ben for Jim. You’d ‘a’ ben down dah in de woods widout any dinner, en gittn’ mos’ drownded, too; dat you would, honey.’†Analysis: This part is actually ironic, because Jim is black, and Huck is white, and Jim has helped Huck a lot, possibly to the extent of saving his life. This is ironic because normally, a white person wouldn’t take the help of a black person. Dialectic journal, Huck Finn Ch. 9-16 :: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain Quote 1: â€Å"’En all you wuz thinkin’ ‘bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole Jim wid a lie. Dat truck dah is trash; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren’s en makes ‘em ashamed.’ Then he got up slow and walked to the wigwam, and went in there without saying anything but that. But that was enough. It made me feel so mean I could almost kissed his foot to get him to take it back. It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a ; but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterward, neither. I didn’t do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d ‘a’ knowed it would make him feel that way †(83-84). Analysis: Huck plays this trick on Jim, but doesn’t realize it would hurt him so much. Jim is very hurt, and goes inside the wigwam. Huck has to bring up courage to apologize to Jim because he is black. This is sort of ironic because Jim was just talking about kissing Huck’s feet because he was glad he was back, but then Huck feels so bad for hurting Jim, that he could kiss Jim’s feet, even if he was black. Huck seems to have a moment which will help him along on the path of equality between whites and blacks as well. Quote 2: â€Å"’Jim, this is nice,’ I says. ‘I wouldn’t want to be nowhere else but here. Pass me along another hunk of fish and some hot corn-bread.’ ‘Well, you wouldn’t ‘a’ ben here ‘f it hadn’t ‘a’ ben for Jim. You’d ‘a’ ben down dah in de woods widout any dinner, en gittn’ mos’ drownded, too; dat you would, honey.’†Analysis: This part is actually ironic, because Jim is black, and Huck is white, and Jim has helped Huck a lot, possibly to the extent of saving his life. This is ironic because normally, a white person wouldn’t take the help of a black person.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Organic Chemistry Lab
Organic Chemistry Laboratory Report. Experiment 1: Crystallization. Objectives: 1. To study the crystallization process. 2. To identify the best suitable solvent to use for the crystallization process. 3. Gain an experience in purifying an organic compound by the techniques of the crystallization. Introduction. Crystallization is a technique which chemists use to purify solid compounds. It is one of the fundamental procedures each chemist must master to become proficient in the laboratory. Organic compounds isolated from their natural sources or prepared synthetically in the laboratory are usually impure.The impurities might be compounds with properties similar to those of the desired compounds, reaction-starting materials, products of side reactions, or simple dust or soil. Pure substances are not only important to chemists in their studies of matter but also are vital in other areas of study such as medicine where those substances might be used as medications Crystallization is bas ed on the principles of solubility: compounds (solutes) tend to be more soluble in hot liquids (solvents) than they are in cold liquids.If a saturated hot solution is allowed to cool, the solute is no longer soluble in the solvent and forms crystals of pure compound. Impurities are excluded from the growing crystals and the pure solid crystals can be separated from the dissolved impurities by filtration. Chemical requirement. Solvent: Distilled water, Ethanol, and Acetone. Solute: Acetanilide. Result: Data and Report Sheet. 1. 1 Choosing a suitable solvent.Solvents| solubility| Appearances and quantity of the crystal at room temperature | | Room temperature | Hot temperature| | Distilled water| insoluble| soluble| Crystal like white needle| Ethanol| good| -| No crystal| Acetone| good| -| No crystal| Why do you choose this solvent? It is because Acetanilide is more soluble in hot water but not in old water, also sugar is impurity it is very soluble in cold water therefore, it fits th e essential characteristics needed for the suitable solvent. . 2 Crystallization Appearance of acetanilide sample (before crystallization): white dust. Mass of acetanilide sample (before crystallization): 2. 15g. Appearance of acetanilide crystal: jelly white like white needle. Mass of filter paper: 1. 42g Mass of filter paper +acetanilide crystal: Mass of acetanilide crystal: Calculation. % yield of crystal =
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Benefits of Online Social Networking Essay
While there are risks inherent in online social networking, there are also many potential benefits. Social networking can provide opportunities for new relationships as well as strengthening existing relationships, whether your kids’ friends are close to home or across the world. It’s important to be vigilant when your kids are getting involved in online social networking, but it’s also good to encourage positive relationships through various avenues, including the Internet. Real-Life Benefits of Online Social Networking Kids can gain social confidence from interacting with other people online, which may help them feel more secure in new situations, such as going to college, joining a sports team, and meeting new friends. Because social networkingâ€â€like everything else onlineâ€â€is constantly evolving, kids can become more familiar with new and emerging technologies, as well as increase their media literacy through exposure to many different types of online media that are shared by their friends. Many kids find support in online communities; this is especially true for kids who have unique interests or feel isolated. Encourage your child to find other kids who are interested in the same thing or may be dealing with similar issues. Online communities can be very diverse and expose your child to many new viewpoints, ideas, and opinions that she may not be familiar with. Kids tend to use social networking to augmentâ€â€not replaceâ€â€their real-world relationships, helping them learn to communicate in many different ways. Social networking is becoming an increasingly important method of communicating in schools and the workplace, so it’s good for your child to be prepared to communicate through sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Keeping in touch with family members that live far away can become much easier through the use of online social networking. By sharing updates, photos, videos, and messages, family members can stay connected even if the live across the countryâ€â€or the world. Social Networking in Schools Social networking is becoming increasingly important in schoolsâ€â€Facebook, Moodle, SecondLife, Digg, and other sites are often used by teachers to communicate with students or for out-of-classroom discussions. Youth can further explore topics that they’re interested in through online social networking. By making connections with other people who have the same interest, kids can learn and exchange knowledge with others they may not have had the opportunity to interact with. Teachers often take advantage of students’ social networking abilities to create class blogs, discussion forums, videos, and more. By collaborating with other students and teachers through online social networking, children are able to build stronger school communitie
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